Also, we will be selling exclusive I Heart Tibet t-shirts at the fundraiser this Saturday. These were designed and made by one of our members, Tarzan, and there are precious few. So be sure to show up early to get yours.

"Moral fiber is strongest when not threatened by the sharp blade of self interest." -Anon.
O EM G..wut a HOTTIE ;-} hahha DAMN THIS SFT GOT STYLE>...i wanna join that..uhm THE SHIRTS way ta go king of the Loserville..:-D i meant jungle..
I am not actively involved in students for a free tibet (as i am no longer a student!), but came across your webpage online and wanted to bring to your attention a disgusting t-shirt being sold at the online site "zazzle":
The motto on the t-shirt is "screw tibet" and is the creators attempt at trendy "anti-establishment"ism. I already created a fake account so i could send off a comment - but thought that you and your members might want to take a minute to do the same.
To Anonymous:
After this shirt design was brought to Zazzle's attention by the International Campaign for Tibet, they took the shirt down from their site.
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